How will you be using our platform?

Upload your credentials while we verify and store them on our platform. You can then share with prospective institutions.

High School, University, Organization, Embassy

Get verified credentials of your prospective students through our platform.

Examination Bodies

Verify students' credentials to ensure that they do not lay false claims using your name.

How it works
It takes only five minutes to get started
Student Creates An Account

Students sign up on our platform to enable them electronically upload their documents on our platform for verification.

Student Uploads Documents

Students electronically upload their unverified documents to our portal in order for us to verify them from their various institutions.

Institutions Get Verification Request

Having signed on to our platform, institutions receive the request to verify students' documents through our platform.

Persyllabus Stores Verified Documents

Institutions verify students' documents and send back the verified true copy of the document to us. Persyllabus then stores this verified copy on our online portal.

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