Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Persyllabus is a platform designed to help institutions and organizations verify the authenticity of documents submitted by prospective students.

We facilitate the verification process by contacting educational institutions to confirm the documents provided by applicants.

Once a document is submitted by an applicant, documents are sent to the institution is notified automatically on our platform.

However, if this institution is not registered onthe platform, we initiate the verification process by reaching out to the relevant educational institution(s) to confirm details such as attendance, program of study, and grades obtained. Our goal is to ensure that applicants accurately represent their educational qualification.

Document verification is crucial for institutions, HR and organization to ensure the integrity of their admissions and hiring process.

By verifying documents, institutions can trust that applicants have the qualifications they claim, thus maintaining the credibility of their academic process.

Yes, protecting the privacy and security of our users' personal information is our top priority. We employ industry-standard security measures to safeguard all data collected during the verification process.

The duration of the verification process can vary depending on factors such as the responsiveness of the educational institutions contacted and the complexity of the documents being verified.

However, we strive to complete verifications in a timely manner.

Yes, we provide updates on the status of document verifications through our online platform. Users can log in to their accounts to track the progress of their verification requests and receive notifications when verifications are completed.

Once documents are successfully verified, the results are securely stored on our electronic platform. Institutions can then request access to verified documents as needed.

Persyllabus primarily serves all seeking to verify documents submitted by prospective students or individual.

However, individuals may also benefit from our services by ensuring that their educational credentials are accurately represented during the admissions or hiring process.

No, all our processes is done electronically. E-verification

No, the processes of exchanges of documents occur on our platform without our involvement. We have no control over the result of the verification result

Yes. Incase documents are not worded in English language, it will be handled by our in-house translator at a competitive cost

Yes, if they have not signed on our platform, we will contact them for the review of credentials uploaded for the verification exercise

No. If we want to commence such undertakings it will be announced

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